Tuesday, July 28, 2015

My Life is Sand in The Palm of The Buddha

Here's a little koan written from the quiet echos of one of my meditations (sometime last year).  It came back to me again this Feb during a month-long self-directed meditation retreat in Maui.
When I read it, it's like shooting an arrow into the dark; I have to listen more deeply to understand its impact...
Enjoy :)

My life is sand in the palm of the Buddha
The Great Wind comes and disperses me
When I reach down for more sand
I am astonished
No sand
No hand

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  1. I remember one moment in Vipassana when "I" dissolved/disappeared. Thanks for this. It brought back that memory.

  2. Deep crooked bow of reverence to you my Dharma Brother

  3. That last comment is from me
